Tuesday, July 26, 2005


Not only am I still unpacking, getting used to a new apt, area and job, learning how to do the new job, and struggling to get my new health insurance straightened out (be not afraid, gentle reader, I’ll let you know if it too is crappy health insurance or not soon enough), but I am also without home internet access right now. So, blog posts are intermittent and sporadic even – to paraphrase Snagglepuss. That being said, J.’s taken steps to ensure that I’ll have steady home internet access soon, so postings should pick up.
in the meantime, here's another catch-up post:

1) dominon power bill for the new apt.
2) groceries: cereal, milk, & grapes

1) postage for 2 packages
2) a coffee maker for j.
3) pencil boxes to corral all the junk i convinced myself to move from one apt to the next
4) TJ groceries: coffee filters (see above), spray canola oil, pizza dough, pepperoni (no, not for me), 4-cheese blend (can you tell we’re having pizza for dinner?), pita chips (2 kinds), beer, strawberries
5) groceries: diet coke and diet coke with lime, and 2 energy bar bagels
6) a wire frame at a junk shop out in Lucketts
7) farm stand produce: corn, plums, tomatillos, and a purple pepper

Nothing. I bought nothing. Finally, a buy nothing day! There is joyful weeping.

Wait, it doesn’t seem I bought anything today either! Oh raucous joy.

Dinner for 3 at Jimmy’s Tavern – where everyone is treated like a local


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