Thursday, August 11, 2005


use of $20 safeway gift card to help buy groceries for weekend feast at the river... drop in the bucket, but still something.

oh, and V., I curdled the first batch of ice cream. what a waste. 8 eggs and 4 cups of whole milk. so sad as it could have made so much ice cream. peach, berry, coffee, honey, and otherwise.

Wednesday, August 10, 2005


lunchtime grocreies:
whole organic milk
3 pt. cream
a ton of eggs
cream cheese
a watermelon

yes, i 'm making ice cream, V. you should come over.

2 tshirts from LibrarianGear

$20 for a drop-in power yoga class. not quite the level of power hoped for.

Tuesday, August 09, 2005



Monday, August 08, 2005


a crazy trader joe's trip in which i used a gift certificate to buy a ton of stuff. and some flowers.

Sunday, August 07, 2005


bodo's bagels for two
diet lime coke

Saturday, August 06, 2005


coffee for 2 at Barnes and Noble
-15 magazines read
snakebites and snacks at Michael's Bistro fun, fun, fun
more towel stuff and organizational stuff at Lowes, where they also hasseled me about the 10% off coupon.

Friday, August 05, 2005


a pair of green sneaks from simple shoes
some more sports bras from champion's online site/sale

that's all i can remember.

Thursday, August 04, 2005

what are you getting for your money?

beer has different alcoholic content depending on the state in which it's sold.


home depot:
mini ironing board

at this purchasee i used my "new-to-town" 10% off coupon. the cashier didn't understand how to use the coupon and tried to convince to "save it for a bigger purchase."

Wednesday, August 03, 2005


flowers and birthday present for C.C.
future presents (on sale today) for Dad, M.D. and J.'s dad
working assets final bill
money to interem allergist. bye, bye Dr Z.
Rx at Safeway to get the free gift card

Tuesday, August 02, 2005


5 Rx at CVS
one ($10) copay to new PCP... Dr. S
more greek yogurt -- so good
spinach and salad greens
cleaning supplies
candy -- to help J's friends make themselves sick
burriot bol at Chipolte
razor blades

Monday, August 01, 2005


not a thing