Sunday, July 31, 2005


dinner at Red Tomato
frozen custard at Milwaukie's Frozen Custard... in Herndon

Saturday, July 30, 2005


i'm paying off my visa today. several moving expenses were incurred at places that did not accept my pretty, shiny amex... so money to visa today.
also, i'm planning to spend a little to have brunch with a friend who's out from Stanford visiting his wife here in the DC area.
possibly a movie later.
certainly a trip to TJs for a few more groceries. i've been going a little grocery crazy lately, but it will subside soon.

indeed, brunch was bought
coke and cookies were also purchased at Safeway. that was all.


no purchases today. though it was a close call at dinner time. i wanted to go out (or order in). J. wanted to eat whatever we had in the house. J. won. dinner was good. no purchasing was done. which is strange for a payday.


i went to whole foods on thursday night thinking there'd be a cooking class. i had my dates mixed up and instead just ended up buying some groceries.
fage yogurt -- i'd heard about the luciousness of this greek, strained yogurt and thought it was overrated but worth trying. now i know it's not overrated. so good
bulk organic whole wheat flour
bulk organic popcorn
instant espresso powder (for cooking not drinking)

in case you're wondering, i haven't stopped drinking coffee. it's just that the coffee at my new work is actually pretty good, so there's less need to buy fancy ones. i'm sure that the need will increase in the winter, as it always does, but in the mean time... i drink my coffee at the office.

also, my uva student loan went through today. so hooray. i'm $45 closer to owning my education.


work out wear from champion... because there's a sale.
sports bra
gym pants
lg sleeve top

Tuesday, July 26, 2005


Not only am I still unpacking, getting used to a new apt, area and job, learning how to do the new job, and struggling to get my new health insurance straightened out (be not afraid, gentle reader, I’ll let you know if it too is crappy health insurance or not soon enough), but I am also without home internet access right now. So, blog posts are intermittent and sporadic even – to paraphrase Snagglepuss. That being said, J.’s taken steps to ensure that I’ll have steady home internet access soon, so postings should pick up.
in the meantime, here's another catch-up post:

1) dominon power bill for the new apt.
2) groceries: cereal, milk, & grapes

1) postage for 2 packages
2) a coffee maker for j.
3) pencil boxes to corral all the junk i convinced myself to move from one apt to the next
4) TJ groceries: coffee filters (see above), spray canola oil, pizza dough, pepperoni (no, not for me), 4-cheese blend (can you tell we’re having pizza for dinner?), pita chips (2 kinds), beer, strawberries
5) groceries: diet coke and diet coke with lime, and 2 energy bar bagels
6) a wire frame at a junk shop out in Lucketts
7) farm stand produce: corn, plums, tomatillos, and a purple pepper

Nothing. I bought nothing. Finally, a buy nothing day! There is joyful weeping.

Wait, it doesn’t seem I bought anything today either! Oh raucous joy.

Dinner for 3 at Jimmy’s Tavern – where everyone is treated like a local

Thursday, July 21, 2005


Garden burgers
Chik filet – by Gardenburger
Milk (organic 1%)
Miller lite (for J.’s dad)
Hashbrowns (frozen)
Garlic (2 heads)
Onions (2 lbs)
2 bagel-style energy bars (Safeway bakery – early 90s, old-school delish)
Plastic hangers
2 plastic storage boxes
Hair dye – only your stylist (and blog readers) know for sure
Small food storage containers ($1 special at Target)

Tuesday, July 19, 2005


paid bills:
Dominion power (last for former apt)


first day, new job.

Origins: moisturizer and blemish remover
dinner (2) at local greek/italian place

Sunday, July 17, 2005


ok. so it's officially been over a week since my last post. you all must think i've been responsibly monkish somewhere, reflecting on the goodness of not buying things. how wrong.
i've been moving. (not a complete surprise to those of you who've noticed things like security deposits and application fees creeping into my daily expenditures.) and in case you didn't already know, moving tests the budgets of the most ardent cheapskate. there will, no doubt, be some things that slip through the cracks, but here in one awesome post is my attempt to catch up and inform you of my crazy moving purchases.
Sunday 7-17
nothing yet, but i'll keep you posted

ok.. so day's purchases now include:
dinner (2) at pollo campero -- not the tip top veg choice but v. tasty rice
frozen custard

Saturday 7-16
mocha from mudhouse
iced green tea from mudhouse

berries from a roadside stand -- blue and black

2 towel bars
extra keys and key ring

a trip to Whole Foods (less than 2 mi from my new abode)
Parrano cheese
cheddar cheese
sesame sticks
lime juice
chicken thighs
fried chicken
granny smith apples
parmigiano reggiano
grated pepato
italian bread
spring salad mix

and a trip to Trader Joes (also less than 2 mi from my new abode...)
ice cream (coffee heath bar crunch)
spinach and artichoke dip
teriyaki sauce
pita chips
frozen peas
refried beans
tortilla chips


Friday 7-15

car repairs, $900 (poorly timed, little green, poorly timed)
2 tickets to see March of the Penguins -- very good
pastries from ABC

Thursday 7-14
Cost Plus World Market:
blinds -- on sale! $9 each and very cool
a coffee canister
3 bottles of wine

casters for a chair
light bulbs
wall anchors

Wednesday 7-13
The Container Store:
shoe rack
hanging shoe thing
something that the receipt says is removable and mounting but i have no idea what it is anymore

A Smart Tag

Tuesday 7-12
2 rag rugs
magazine holders
a frame
3 glass jars
other things that i cannot for the life of me remember

this is the day my car decided it needed a little TLC

3 Rx from Wburg CVS -- from now on all my CVS dealings will be with NVa. shops

Monday 7-11
4 drawer organizers
2 shower curtain liners
one clean and unpacked bath towel
one thing laundry detergent with free fabric softener and dryer sheets (i thought those things functioned the same, don't they?)
2 pk tongs
diet coke (2 8-pks don't ask)
shower rings
dishwasher liquid
cleaning wipes
mint cocoa
milk (yes, i bought milk at target. but i wasn't about to go anywhere else that day)
paper towels
mac and cheese
and a couple of other things that i can't figure out from the receipt

Sunday 7-10
rental for a Uhaul moving van
gas for same
gas for Big Red
cinnamon roll
diet pepsi

Saturday 7-9
cleaning supplies
a something for breakfast at the Wburg farmer's market

and that's (mostly) it. that was my grand spending adventure this last week. don’t worry folks, it’s not about over…. there will be plenty of spending to document in the month to come before I get back to my buy nothing posts, railing against consumption.

Friday, July 08, 2005


1) verizon phone bill
2) BBQ sauce for L.
3) pizza, yum

Thursday, July 07, 2005


1) direct loan student loan
2) new pillow
3) sleep mask

I hear that 50% of Americans are sleep deprived. Here's hoping I can help bring that number down.

4) butter toffee peanuts for Dad

Wednesday, July 06, 2005


1) 3 Rx from CVS (for which they gave me a $5 off coupon that I'm not allowed to use on prescriptions. thanks guys.)

Tuesday, July 05, 2005


1) 12 pk diet lime coke
2) 12 pk root beer
3) 2 12 pk lemon-lime seltzer water
4) milk
5) eggs
6) spinach
7) sunscreen
8) variety pack of chips
9) butter
10) packing paper
11) bubble wrap
12) plastic pack stuff

Monday, July 04, 2005


purchase free holiday!


bridge toll, $3

Sunday, July 03, 2005


1) gas

Saturday, July 02, 2005


1) about half of the 15 lbs of berries picked at the westmorland berry farm
2) coffee... large, hot, strong, and caffeinated
3) sparklers, fountains, and whirring flowers

Friday, July 01, 2005


I know you've bought something cool and ironic. Something that communicates the distance you perceive (or would like there to be) between yourself and the rest of the lemming-brained consumer society.
Admit it. You were part of the commodification of counter-culture.
Let me just ask this one thing:

If you bought it, how ironic can it really be?

ok, one more question:

How could you possibly communicate your distain and irony if you didn't purchase anything?


1) skirt from gap outlet
2) beer and fries and salads
3) games of pool
4) more yarn from knitting sisters