Friday, April 22, 2005


1) Coffee.

2) Lunch

3) Gas. In my part of VA the price per gallon is a total bargain at $2.09. There's been talk that gas will have to get to $2.47 per gallon to get people to change the way they drive. I think that's an optimistic number. In a country where the government consistently under-funds and undermines public transportation, has dismantled the bulk of its rail system, and in a nation in which housing prices are driving lower and middle class workers farther and farther from their jobs, gas prices will have to get a whole lot higher than $3.00/gal to get people to significantly and consistently change the way they drive. Of course, if we grow up, take a long term view, and really work on creating and funding usable public transportation, who knows, gas might eventually seem too expensive at any price.

4) A winter coat. Yes, it’s the wrong time of year for wearing but it’s the right time of the year for saving. 65% that is. Returned.

5) Pink Martini's new album Hang On Little Tomato from Plan 9 Music. It's fabulous.

6) 2 MegaMillions lottery tickets, one for my sister and one for my dad. The perfect no-reason gift: cheap and exciting.


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