1) Cheese Shop sandwich, an Anchor Steam Liberty Ale, and a PB & chocolate chip cookie, even though it's only a "sometimes" food.
mger as american consumer. what's purchased, when and why.
1) Cheese Shop sandwich, an Anchor Steam Liberty Ale, and a PB & chocolate chip cookie, even though it's only a "sometimes" food.
1) Latte with caramel sauce. From Starbucks. Yes, I know what I said before about independent coffee shops etc. but sometimes the siren song of the caramel sauce is too much to resist. It's transformative, transcendent. It makes Starbucks mediocre coffee sing. It's like liquid gold on your tongue, sunshine on your coffee. My ideals remain the same. Chalk it up to human fallibility
More grocery shopping and other errands.
Today is not shaping up to be the buy-nothing day of my dreams. I was out of coffee this morning and dragging hard enough to necessitate a large, extra-shot latte before I could even hope to get to work.
I got to see Elvis Costello in concert tonight at the NorVa. It was a great show. The crowd was chatty and annoying, but EC transcended the energy of the audience in a way that I’ve seen few performers do. He was energetic, enjoyable, witty, and (of course) eerily cool. I purchased the ticked for the show about a month ago. What I purchased today was:
Grocery day:
1) Gas. Again at $2.09/gallon.
1) A summer-weight rain coat from The Gap. Also on sale, this time at 80% off. Say what you will about The Gap, but as long as their political contributions stay with the democratic party I’m going to feel pretty ok about spending my money there. Just like as long as WalMart fights its workers unionizing and gives money to the Republican party I will not darken their doors. Sure, we get to vote on a ballot once a year, but we get to vote with our dollars everyday.
1) Coffee.
1) Pay Dominion Power for the heat, light, and other uses that I've put their electricity to last month.
1) iced coffee -- i believe i will be purchasing two of these today because of the lovely weather.
1) a new rear blinker bulb
1) Prescription from CVS.
I bought nothing all weekend.
1) Copay for Dr Z. in the vain attempt to pay less for allergy serum.
It turns out that I find blogging rather dull. I'm not interested in sharing with the world the bulk of my thoughts, perhaps explaining once and for all why I am not a writer. However, I enjoy reading themed blogs. Political blogs, discussions of gender, craft blogs, food blogs, etc. I like seeing things develop. And so it occurs to me that what might be interesting in a blog are not my reflections on the weather (mundane) or my recipe for dinner last night (popcorn), but an actual log. And since what I'm interested in right now is consumerism in America I'm going to create a diary of my daily purchases. Boring you say? You're not fascinated by the ways in which the urge to buy is played out in an individual consumer? Well, there are plenty of other blogs out there for you.